La What Now?

Since the 1960s, baseball teams and players have been publishing cookbooks. I collect them and try out some of the recipes that major leaguers have shared with their fans over the years. Photos, recipes and comments included.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Charro Beans - Jerry Hairston (Outfielder)


2 lbs. dry pinto beans
1 medium onion
1 medium tomato
1 small green pepper
6 slices of bacon
6 slices of ham
black pepper

Wash the beans and put them in a large pot to boil in water.  Cut the vegetables in big pieces and add.  Cut the bacon and ham in small pieces and put everything in the pot.  Add salt, black pepper and garlic to your taste.  Cook slowly on low temperature for about 2 hours or until the beans are tender.

Jerry Hairston Sr. is the second of three generations of Hairstons in the majors (his dad played for the White Sox in 1951, and his brother and sons are also major leaguers).

Hairston served as a backup outfielder and pinch hitter for most of 1983.  In fact, he was so good coming off the bench that he retired in 1990 as the Sox' all-time pinch hit leader with 87.

Charro Beans is a dish named after traditional Mexican horsemen (charros).  Is it soup?  Is it beans with gravy?  Somewhere in between? The amount of water you use will determine how "soupy" the dish ends up, but you want to make sure that there's enough water to cover the beans before boiling.

As well, if you don't want your serving to be too soupy, just pile the beans, veggies and meat into a bowl and go easy on the bean broth.

But you won't want to.  As you can see in the photo, I piled everything high, and made sure the bowl got a generous splash of broth.  If serving a group, this makes a nice side dish, but can just as easily be a meal on its own.  Tastes great and freezes well.

On the simplicity chart, this one is effortless.  Look at the recipe - it's five sentences long.  No labour, all flavour (just made that up, and yes, I'm Canadian so these entries will feature all sorts of extra letter "U"'s).

FINAL SCORE - Beans, beans, the magical fruit, etc. etc.  Es un ganador de los medias blancas.

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